Saturday, 14 January 2012

Oh Captain my Captain!

As I'm within my shedual for all my assignments and my girlfriends out of the house for the weekend, I figured I'd use the spare time on my hands to do some painting. The Space Marines were in dire need of a brush up, as there were (and still are) loads of little things that needed to be done. One of them was getting all the purity seals and other bits and bobs that these guys write on in shape. I must say I'm very pleased with the way that worked out. The aquila on my Veteran Seargents waist cloth looks pretty cool.
As I'm a huge fan of Graham McNeils Ultramarines Novels, I decided a long time ago to have Uriel Ventris lead my Ultras. So I am presenting to you today, my new Master of the Fleet, Captain of the fourth company, Uriel Ventris! I realy like the way he's turned out, he's nothing out of the ordinary, just a powersword and a Bolter, but I find it works quite well. The only thing I'm not happy about is the Banner. I realy need to work on my freehand work and maybe should check out some tutorials on the subject.
I've put some thought into how to paint my imperials. The armour is all going to be white, but i want them to look used. So they'll be muddy snowy, and very weatherd. I'm still debating about which technique to use. On my Ork vehicles I base coated the models in Black. The I would cover the model again in Boltgun Metal. I would then apply two washes. First I used a brown and covered the entire model, to take the shine of the metal. I would then in parts apply a black wash. After that I would paint the model in the desired colour, leaving out some parts to let the metal shine through, creating a used look.
I find this method works realy well for orks. However when I'm using white I think I might have trouble covering the metal. It will possibly be easier base coating the model in white and then use metal, brown and orange tones to create a rusty oily effect, coming from screws and edges. In regard to infantry, I'm probably going to paint them in the clasic Cadian colours, and then I will weather them down, drybrushing parts of the uniform white to get a frost effect. I'm flying to the UK next week and while I'm there I'm probably going to get myself the Imperial Guard Codex, for one I want to see if I can get any "inspiration" and new ideas for my army in terms of colours etc. I'll also find some stuff regarding the conception of an army.


  1. Some thoughts on weathering: This article shows some great techniques. Chipped metal should be one of the things to paint.
    Here's another article on WWII Winter camouflage that might be handy:

  2. Great Stuff! Thanks for the Info!
