Hi everybody this is Forge Uriel! My new Blog on painting and collecting miniatures. I've been painting minitures based in the Warhammer 40k Universe for four and a half years now, however I have been on and off the hobby quite regulary due to other activities. I figured I'd start a blog as I recently came to learn about a miniture blog of a dear friend of mine and find the idea pretty cool.

At present I am the prowd owner of two 40k armies. The first army I finished (Or at least which reached a status of compliance with the 40k rulebook) are my Ultramarines, the first models which I painted back in Summer 2007, when I was introduced to the hobby. I finished the army during my time at University in the United Kingdom. My second force is an ork army which consists mainly of infantry and was great fun to paint. Although both armies can be used and come up to roughly 1.500 points each, I do not consider them finished, as I will most certainly keep on building and enhancing them.

My next project will focus on the Imperial Guard,
however I will probably not have the time to start work on the miniatures until the beginning of february. In contrast to the other armies, this new project shall include a significant number of armour and other bigger support vehicles. I am therefore planning on buying an airbrush for the vehicles. In general I want to put some thought into this new project and therefore and will be updating the blog with some ideas concerning the guard. So you'll have to be patient in regard to first pictures and work in progress update until I start painting. Models I have acquired and that are still boxed up are the Cadian Force box of GW and a Chimera Troop transport.

I have also orderd a Royal Empire Marcovian Conscript Squad from Steel Crown Productions, as I want the army to have a mix of different infantry units. The models have a similar theme to the Death Corps Models of Forge World but are only one fifth of the price, so I'm very curious about the detail on the models. So that is all for today. I'll keep you updated on my thoughts regarding my Imperials! Cheers and all the best!
Grats for your blog! It's really impressive how much your style has improved the last few years!